5 Steps For Your Best Spring Skin!

5 Steps For Your Best Spring Skin!


Spring has arrived, the days are longer, brighter and warmer and it might be time to spring clean your skincare. You may notice your skin changes seasonally; we will discuss how and why your skin changes from winter to spring/summer.


What happens to your skin from Winter to Spring?

Your skin is more vulnerable in winter as the cold weather is harsh on skin, think about snow, rain and strong winds can jeopardise the skin barrier. Due to this you may find your skin to become more sensitive and red from the cold, skin irritations could also occur from scarves wrapped around our faces but most commonly many people notice their skin to become more dry. For dry skin, we tend to reach out for thicker, heavier creams and opt for more layering or slugging in our routines.

As the months get warmer we may find our winter skincare routines a little too heavy for the spring/summer months. Our skin may not be as dry and may need lighter alternatives, we may also be wanting more of a glow by incorporating exfoliation and radiance ingredients. Although we may enjoy having the same skincare routine all year round, our skin may be needing something more suitable for the season instead. We will discuss what True Skincare products that may help achieve your best spring skin! 

5 Steps For Your Best Spring Skin!

1) Cleanse

Cleansing is such a vital step, not only does it removes dirt and grime but our Certified Organic Clarifying Safflower & Geranium Cleansing Oil helps to unclog pores which allow your following products to penetrate deeper into the skin. We advise double cleansing in the evening with this same cleanser if you are removing sunscreen and/or makeup.

This pairs great with our Everyday Essential 100% Organic Muslin Cloths or those with sensitive skin may prefer our Certified Organic Reusable Cotton Pads.


2) Exfoliate

Slough away your winter dead skin cells and get ready for that fresh new skin glow with our gentle BHA natural alternative - Resurfacing Pumpkin & Willow Bark Gel Exfoliating Mask. This works in as little as 1 minute! We recommend using this once a week in the PM.


3) Radiance

Let’s continue with that spring/summer glow with our Radiance Renewal 10% Stabilised Vitamin C Serum. We use a stable form of vitamin c called Ascorbyl Glucoside, this visually brightens the skin by suppressing melanin synthesis and reducing the existing melanin. This also contains antioxidants that help protect your skin from sunburns, sun damage and premature aging.


4) Nourish

A good all-rounder facial oil that can be a great transition from heavier winter skincare would be our Certified Organic Rehydrating Rosehip & Rosemary Facial Oil. With antibacterial and antiseptic properties this facial oil will help nourish and provide a healthy even complexion. For summer months/oilier skin types, opt for our lightest facial oil, Certified Organic Balancing Safflower & Basil Facial Oil.


5) Protect

As the days are getting warmer, do not forget to apply your favourite sunscreen as the last step of your AM skincare routine. Re-apply every 2-3 hours and use a minimum of SPF 30. P.S - Do not forget your sunglasses to protect the skin around the eye area too! 

Get your skin spring/summer ready today! You can shop the full range here. 

If you are a skin guru and prefer more steps to your spring skincare routine or if you would like some extra skin guidance please feel free to book an online skin consultation with our skin experts here. 



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